viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

NEW GENERATION, enero 2012


Rotary International

January 2012
Inside this issue

Interact video contest winners
Video contest winner
Congratulations to the winners of the 2011 Interact video contest! The Interact Club of Episcopal School of Knoxville, D6780 (Tennessee, USA) earned the grand prize for its entry, "Change 4 Change," which tells a dramatic story about the fight against polio. The video will be featured on the RI website and social media, and the club will receive an engraved plaque and a signed letter from RI President Kalyan Banerjee. Read the full story, including interviews with the Interact club president and faculty advisors at the school.
You can hear directly from the Interactors who created the grand-prize-winning video during a Facebook chat on Tuesday, 7 February from 12:30 to 13:00 Chicago time. (Check your local time.) Interactors and faculty advisors from The Episcopal School of Knoxville will share their experiences completing their service project and capturing it on video. You can join the conversation about how to engage students in polio eradication efforts by visiting the Interact Facebook page at the appointed time.
We also congratulate three clubs that were selected as finalists: the Interact Club of Alexandria Sporting, Egypt, D2450, for "How We Change the World," the Interact Club of Raffles Institution, Philippines, D3310, for "The Cambodian Experience," and the Interact Club of Webb School of Knoxville, USA, D6780, for " Webb School Interact Video Contest 2011."
Thanks to all the clubs, representing 11 countries and four continents, that submitted videos for the 2011 contest. Watch the winning entries and all of the other video submissions on the Interact video contest channel on YouTube.

Five ideas for World Understanding Month in February
During World Understanding Month in February, Rotary and its New Generations are encouraged to reach across borders and cultures in the name of service and fellowship. Rotary also celebrates its anniversary on 23 February, marking a special achievement toward the building of peace and goodwill around the world.
How will your Interact club, Rotaract club, or RYLA program celebrate World Understanding Month and Rotary’s anniversary? Consider these ideas:
1.     Host an international festival to increase your school’s or community’s awareness of different cultures.
2.     Communicate with an Interact or Rotaract club in another country.
3.     Plan an event on 23 February to raise awareness of international issues in Rotary’s six areas of focus.
4.     Support an international project listed in RI’s ProjectLINK database.
5.     Ask a Rotary Youth Exchange student to speak to your club or participate in your local RYLA event.

Nominate your Outstanding Rotaract Project today
You still have time to submit your nomination for the RI Recognition of Outstanding Rotaract Project awards. Each year, RI recognizes six regional winners and one international winner for their excellent community or international service efforts. The winning clubs receive plaques and the opportunity to present their projects at the Rotaract Preconvention Meeting.
Entry forms are due to RI by 1 February and are available for download on the RI website. Read about the projects that were recognized last year.

Three ways to bring New Generations participants into Rotary
The January issue of Rotary Leader asks the question, "What would our clubs look like if we invited every former Rotaractor, Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar, and Rotary Youth Exchange student to join Rotary?" Read three tips for Rotary clubs on reaching out to New Generations program participants in your community.

New Rotaract promotional card now available
                                                        promotional cardIt's easier than ever to share Rotaract with someone new. Whether you are a Rotaractor looking to recruit members or a Rotarian looking to start a new Rotaract club, the new Rotaract promotional card offers a bold way to show young people how they can help others, develop leadership skills, and make new friends by being a part of Rotaract. Each card includes a space to add your Rotaract club's contact information.
Order your Rotaract promotional card on Cards are US$0.20 each, but for a limited time, you can buy fifty cards for only $5.

Overheard on social media
Social media helps New Generations participants share advice, make connections, and tell their stories. Here are a few messages we've seen recently on RI social media:
  • "I am Rotary Liaison to our Interact Club at Avon High School, Avon, IN...District 6560. Our Interact kids want to connect and exchange with Interact Clubs outside the US. We are hoping to build a contact list so that we can reach out with letters, pictures, etc. in Feb. 2012...Rotary's World Peace and Understanding month." – Pam Lyons on Facebook (Like Interact on Facebook.)
  • "hey, @OU_Rotaract, @sarahbramlett and i are speaking at a rotary meeting today. highlight of Christmas break for sure. #aspiringrotarians" - @rebekah_rae on Twitter (Follow @Rotaract on Twitter.)
  • "We had our first Interact meeting at a school for special needs adolescents -- 38 kids who have a variety of disabilities ranging from autism to cerebral palsy to Down syndrome, etc. All of these kids have become Interactors, and we are celebrating with a gala charter day." – Bonnie Sirower in the Official Rotary International Group on LinkedIn (Not a member of the RI LinkedIn group? Join now.)

Upcoming events
Rotaract District 2450 Midyear Conference
Dubai, UAE
23-25 February
All Rotaractors from District 2450 in the Middle East are invited to attend this meeting.

Ninth Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference (APRRC)
Bangkok, Thailand
30 April-3 May
Rotaractors from across South Asia are invited to attend this event, which immediately precedes the Rotaract Preconvention Meeting.

2012 Rotaract Preconvention Meeting
2012 Rotaract Preconvention Meeting
Bangkok, Thailand
4-5 May
Rotaractors and Rotarians will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, hear informative speakers, and connect with the global network of friendship, engagement, and action that is Rotaract.

European Rotaract Convention (EUCO) 2012
23-27 May
This annual meeting is hosted this year by Rotaractors in District 2220 (Russia).

RYLA Conference in North America sponsored by District 7620
Washington, D.C.
11-15 July
This leadership conference will bring together 18- to 30-year-olds, including Rotaractors and former Rotary Youth Exchange students, Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholars, and Rotary Peace Fellows.

Contact Rotary International Staff
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Youth Exchange on LinkedIn
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Rotary International  |  One Rotary Center  |  1560 Sherman Avenue  |  Evanston  |  IL  |  60201  |  USA

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